
Saturday, April 3, 2010


When I have those difficult days (see previous post) God reminds me of the sweet blessings of raising sisters in moments like this. I am hoping that when we do move to San Diego, our next home will have a larger second bedroom for them to share. I have bunk-beds I purchased at a garage sale last summer and plan on painting them blush pink, so hopefully they will have more sweet sister scenes like this one.

Monday, March 29, 2010


So, Nate has been gone since last Monday and I thought I was doing well handling the girls on my own for a while. Haven is a breeze, but Parker always keeps me on my toes. She is just full of spunk and mischief. However, yesterday morning I about shipped her down to San Diego for Nate to handle. She is drawn (I think by a magnetic current) to markers. And, loves to decorate herself with them. I saw that she got into some Sunday morning as I plopped her into the high chair for breakfast (her hands were very colorful). But she was still in her pj's so I cleaned her up after she ate and got her dressed for church. When I was helping Haven pick up her room a few minutes later, I noticed the guilty markers in her nightstand drawer. I told Haven to put them in a safe place so Parker won't get into them and I went to get ready for church since we had a few minutes before we were to leave. Well... a few minutes later, Haven emerged with Parker in tow. Parker trotted over with marker all over her face, her NEW cardigan, and her white tights. I almost lost it. Maybe I did just a bit. I called it "frustration" to Haven, explaining to her why mommy sounded angry. Haven said Parker was just too quick. These were cheap, dollar store markers that did not come off easily. I had to scrub her face almost raw until all the creative expression came off... and her cardigan now has a faint blue stain. Oh well.

THEN... we were about to leave Fuddruckers after eating lunch. I got up and felt a rather painful pinch behind my upper thigh. Turning around, I found Parker looking up at me. She totally just bit into my back thigh! It was the first biting incident with her. I had a hard time disciplining Parker, fighting back the giggles over the mental picture of her just walking up to me and biting my back side! I guess I wasn't moving fast enough for her...

THEN... Haven gave Parker Silly Puddy (because she didn't like the color) right before bed. This stuff from the devil was then shredded up by Parker's little hands before falling asleep and became cemented and stuck in hair, pjs, bedding, stuffed animals, books...

I am ready for Nate to be home.