We had a Cowgirl birthday party Thursday night and filled our home with 12 three year olds all dressed up in their western wear! It was loud and crazy, but so much fun! Haven loved seeing all her friends show up at her front door to help her celebrate. We had some games, a horse pinnata, food and chocolate cake! One of Haven's favorite birthday gifts was a pair of roller skates from Nana Jill. We have had a few falls already, but she still wants to put them on and go!
Nate and I were cracking up over the fact that our firecracker of a daughter who loves to sing at the top of her lungs to Jingle Bells was very calm and subdued during her preschool Christmas program. She was really enjoying the show going on around her! Our favorite part was when the kids wore their garland jingle bell crowns to sing their favorite song - Jingle Bells! We loved being able to be a part of our first "school function" as parents. Haven loves preschool and we are thankful for such a special place for her.
We had a very relaxing Thanksgiving! We spent the day with Papa Bruce and Nana Jill and enjoyed exceptional food, took long siestas after the tryptophankicked in and played cards long into the evening. Haven decorated her ginger bread house but we sort of gave up after the roof collapsed. I just don't have the patience for those things!
I can't believe I was able to make it to the event of the year. Yes... New Kids are back! The New Kids on the Block reunion tour was the place to be this past Saturday night. I along with thousands of other 30+ women gathered in the Tacoma Dome to cheer on our childhood crushes. The concert was great! Exceeded expectations and the guys sang and moved like they did 18 years ago. Has it been that long?? Crazy... Plus, it was fun to see my good friends I haven't seen in years. It was worth the drive to make the connections again. And, have face time with NKOTB. =0)
Parker was dedicated during our church service on November 2nd. My family was able to be here for the special occasion. Our Pastor took the meaning of Parker's name - guardian of the forest/park - and gave her a special verse highlighting the key word, "guardian".
"Keep my commands and you will live; Guard my teachings as the apple of your eye" Proverbs 7:2.
What a special verse to keep close to Parker's heart! I was only encouraged to make it a priority that our girls know God's teachings and develop their own desire to know their Lord and Savior.
We just got home from Parker's 4 month check up! She cracked me up... not a tear or an annoying cry after being prodded and poked by the doctor... that is until she got her shots. Here are her stats: Height: 24 3/4 in. 75% percentile Weight: 13 lbs 1.6 oz. 50% percentile Head: 16 1/2 in. 60% percentile
I was curious to see Haven's measurements and weight at Parker's age. So, I dug up Haven's stats: Height: 24 in. Weight: 13 lbs 3 oz Head: 16 3/8
Their info is very close to each other, which makes sense since they are sisters! The biggest difference is Parker is almost an inch longer which explains why Parker is wearing 6 month clothes already! She is long little baby. She has started to roll around and flip over in her crib. She now sleeps on her tummy which has resulted in her sleeping a full 8 hours at night now (YES!!!). We can always get her to smile and giggle, which we love. I could have babies forever if they were all like this!
Haven now attends a great private Christian preschool not far from home. She LOVED her first day there and is ready to go back for more fun with her friends. I am glad I can start "letting go" with this first step. It became more apparent these last few months that Haven was ready for more social time, constructive activities and academic challenges that a preschool can provide. Plus, it gives me a few hours in the week to run some errands and spend time with Parker.
BOO!HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Today started off with lots of excitement as my parents woke up to the chatter of the girls. They drove in from Washington to spend the weekend with us. Haven celebrated the arrival of my parents by adorning herself with some of her dress up clothes and joining GG on the couch for story time before bed.
Haven knew it would be today that she would be dressing up and joining all the kids for the quest for candy. Our plans for Haven's costume changed after she spied a "pretty" kitty costume at the mall today. You know what, we should all buy our kid's costume on Halloween - what a deal! So, we have costume #1 - the giraffe that she wore around the house, and costume #2 - the cute kitty that she wore trick-or-treating and to our church's carnival. Parker lasted a few minutes in her caterpillar costume... until she fell asleep.
The fun started at our church's fall festival. Haven quickly spied her friend, Katie, and they quickly went from activity to activity. She loved going "fishing" for candy and found out that bobbing for apples is a whole lot easier grabbing them straight from the water filled bin. Halloween is so much fun for kids! I love seeing all the kiddos dressed up. =0)