We are transforming the inside of our home to prepare for Christmas even though outside is sunny and 70! Strange for me. I miss the cold and snow... but only until December 25th, then I am over it. So, really I am not complaining of the San Diego climate. I just want it all - the snow and the sun. =0)
We have had lots of help and family in and out of the Speer abode. My parents and grandmother were here for the week of Thanksgiving, then my in-laws came, as well as Aunties from LA! Being that I could not do much, I REALLY appreciated having extra hands around to help. Thus, the Christmas decorating was accomplished, the girls were fed and bathed and we had clean plates to eat on... thanks again, family!
I also have to mention that my parents to the girls to Disneyland - their FIRST time! I was a tad jealous I could not make it (I was in the hospital learning how to walk again), but glad they were making memories with grandpa and gigi. I should have pics soon...