
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Parker Pics

Some recent photos of Parker. She is starting to fill out now that she is feasting on mama's milk! Haven has responded well to Parker and loves to take care of her little sister, as much as her little 2 1/2 year old self can. So far, no jealousy issues, but we are only two weeks in. We are waiting for the moment when Haven will ask us to send Parker back! =0)

Haven's Twirly Ballerina Dress - What a girly girl!

Haven recently was given a "big sister" gift which included a ballerina dress and new sunglasses from Aunt Jill and cousin Piper, and she was adamant about trying the two items on immediately. She then proceeded to twirl around the kitchen floor. It was very cute...

I didn't realize I took the video sideways - sorry!

Haven's Swimming Lessons

Before I had Parker, I had signed Haven up for private swimming lessons knowing she would enjoy being in the pool and learning how to swim! Overall, she likes her mornings at the pool and even better, I get to remain dressed and cheer Haven on poolside with Parker (who is normally snoozing away).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Late night thoughts - When it rains, it pours.

I thought I would quickly write down my crazy past week. The clock on the stove states that it is 2:34 am and I am waiting for Parker to fall asleep as I have her in her car seat and on top of the running dryer... it works like a charm. I just need to give her at least 20 minutes!

After returning from the hospital last Friday, I had intense migraines that left me nauseous and dizzy with pain. I could not sit up quickly or even stand to get Parker when she was hungry since that motion would send shocking spears of pain to my head. I do not normally get migraines in general, so this sensation was new and so uncomfortable! I thought I threw my neck out in labor, since it was super stiff and sore. I called my chiropractor immediately after leaving the hospital thinking the problem was with my neck, which was causing my headaches! When the adjustment didn't bring relief and I was downing my pain pills around the clock, I knew something was not right. We quickly called the hospital and spoke to the anesthesiologist. I had a spinal fluid leak from the epidural (roughly happens once out of every 200 epidurals) causing these symptoms and spinal headaches. I returned to the hospital on Sunday morning for a blood patch. This is basically a reverse epidural, however, instead of inserting the amnesia into my back before labor, the anesthesiologist takes blood from my arm and injects that into my spinal area. The blood acts as a clotting agent which seals the leak. Before the procedure, Nate had to wheel me into the hospital and after the blood patch, the headache pain went from a 10 to a 3 on the pain scale, and I was able to walk out! The effects were almost immediate and I felt so much better. I was able to come home and feel somewhat useful being able to get up and walk to the nursery to feed and change little Parker Joy.

Now, you would think that was enough drama for me.... oh, no. Monday morning I have an appointment for Parker at our family practice. As opened the door to step out, my foot slips off the runner of the truck and onto loose gravel. I fall straight down running my back down and off the runner and land completely flat on the ground. More pain. Thankfully, my mom was with me and helped me off the ground and into the doctor's office. She informs the receptionist that I need ice right away and now the doctor will be seeing two patients, instead of the scheduled one. Turns out that besides having a nasty bruise from the fall, I did bruise a few ribs. Another reason for those pain meds!

It has been a full week since this has all taken place. I had to make time for lots of rest and thankfully, my in-laws were able to take Haven the first few days after my fall and hospital return. I have feeling back to my old self, and I'm enjoying our family of four!