Today started off with lots of excitement as my parents woke up to the chatter of the girls. They drove in from Washington to spend the weekend with us. Haven celebrated the arrival of my parents by adorning herself with some of her dress up clothes and joining GG on the couch for story time before bed.
Haven knew it would be today that she would be dressing up and joining all the kids for the quest for candy. Our plans for Haven's costume changed after she spied a "pretty" kitty costume at the mall today. You know what, we should all buy our kid's costume on Halloween - what a deal! So, we have costume #1 - the giraffe that she wore around the house, and costume #2 - the cute kitty that she wore trick-or-treating and to our church's carnival. Parker lasted a few minutes in her caterpillar costume... until she fell asleep.
The fun started at our church's fall festival. Haven quickly spied her friend, Katie, and they quickly went from activity to activity. She loved going "fishing" for candy and found out that bobbing for apples is a whole lot easier grabbing them straight from the water filled bin. Halloween is so much fun for kids! I love seeing all the kiddos dressed up. =0)