Master suite.
Guest Bathroom downstairs.
Living room. Next BIG project is to cover the (beautiful) cornice boards with fabric that goes with our decor. You can't see it well, but they are a golden rode and royal blue stripe - Yikes.
Living room fireplace.
House has lots of great features like this wall alcove.
The eat-in kitchen table - a craigslist find.
My secretary desk... one of my favorite pieces. If only Parker would leave it alone!
Dining Room
Sitting room & Dining Room (right of entry)
Entry way
Sitting room... yes, the scene of the crime yesterday (see previous post).
Small alcove where the stairs lead up.
Now that the couches have been cleaned and spared, I decided to take some pictures of our new home now that the decorating is done and we are moved in. So, here is the grand tour of our Carlsbad home. Downsizing has its advantages and I am enjoying not having an acre and seven flower beds to maintain. However, I have to admit, I do miss the open space of Montana... things are a little more crowded down here.