
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Instead of the warm, sunny weather we were all hoping for on our extended holiday weekend, we had rain, cloudy skies and an excuse to stay indoors. My parents drove out for the weekend, and we always enjoy our time with them. They helped us out with some Spring cleaning and organizing. We just converted our office to a playroom for the girls, and painted the walls a nice gray/blue instead of the original boring beige. We touched up the nursery crib rail where Haven's teething marks made some significant gashes in the wood. The nursery is pretty much all done... I will post some pictures of the girl's rooms soon. And.... a drum roll please!!! Nate cleaned out and organized the garage!!!! I wish I had a before picture, because it would have been worth posting before and after pics. Just picture the worst case scenario on Oprah's rescue house clean-up/organizing special and you can get a good idea of the state of our garage. Thankfully, it doesn't give me an instant headache when I walk out there now. And, I don't have to plow through medical boxes to get to my truck! After this weekend, we all feel a bit better getting our home in order (NO MESS = NO STRESS). Here are some pics of Haven with Grandpa Mark and GG....

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