Tips to Make Your Silverwood Experience an Enjoyable one:
1. The big sip "coaster cups" are a good deal - .99$ refill. We refilled at least 4 times and visited the bathroom at least 8 times...
2. When the inevitable punk 8th grade kid cuts in front of you while waiting in line, charge him a $1 or 3 Pokemon cards. Either way, you'll be out on top.
3. You will be told continuously that Silverwood's "chicken strips" are "the best around." What they mean is - the best around that particular physical establishment. But, the fries are actually REALLY good.
4. Buy a scoop of ice cream inside the amusement park. They are HUGE and you will eat it all since you are at Silverwood... an it's a treat... and you don't do this all the time... and you only live once...
5. You WILL go off your diet if you are on one. Diets don't exist at Silverwood. It is an all out assault on all foods healthy.
6. Roller Coasters are meant to be ridden with your hands in the air. Warnings against this, however, are placed conveniently at the exit of the ride... along with a neck adjustment.
7. When waiting in line for a roller coaster, have some carefully crafted questions prepared in order to "blend in" with the locals. Such as: "So, that's an awesome cut-off! Is that real flannel?" OR... ""So, how did Pabst get that blue ribbon?"
8. If going on a Saturday, arrive an hour early so you can get a covered spot at the water park. Shade is priceless. Seriously. You can auction your spot to the highest bidder when you leave. Now you have money for that ice cream cone.
9. The security are obviously x special forces and should not be taken lightly.
10. In order to not look like such a tourist, stop by the temporary tattoo booth and get a nice BIG tattoo of "mom", KidRock" or any of the Nascar drivers. This will ensure that you will be treated like family... also mullets and rat tails are not necessary, but always welcomed.

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